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The Easiest Way To Never Give Up

Her words hit me like sharp ice-cold water to my face. “Don’t you know that if you fail under pressure it is because your strength is too small.”

I didn’t want to hear her, not at this time. My pain seemed to go on and on and quitting seemed like a great option, but I couldn’t escape from the truth she spoke.

Indeed, truth thy were because her quotation was from the bible (Proverbs 24 verse 10 to be exact), God’s unfailing words.

Maybe the adversity was not the issue?

Maybe, it was my lack of strength to overcome the adversity, maybe that was the root cause?

True friend that she was, she could see right through the cloud of smoke of my emotional boohaha and locate what was causing the fire in the first place.

In life, there are many junctions that we intersect that give us excellent opportunities to quit, give up on our vision, our dream, on people, situations and on circumstances.

When we get to those intersections certain things are revealed

1. What is in us already; the contents of our hearts

2.     What we believe; what we have faith for

3. What we fear or are afraid off

In life we run into many intersections that are temporary stops in life, we are to put up a fight to make sure they don’t become our permanent abode by doing the right things.

However, many questions arise as such times –

How do you pick yourself up, and move on?

How do you heal the emotional trauma and pain?

How do you not quit on yourself, people and situations?

How do you renew and replenish your strength and stay strengthened?

How do you live fearlessly?

The most important thing to do is to turn to the written word of God.

1Corinthians chapter 13 talks about three spiritual forces

Verse 13 But now abideth faith, hope, love, these three.




These three forces are intertwined and infuse strength into the heart of man. These forces are drawn from the living word of God as we read and meditate on the word.

Hope means expectation. It can be expectation of good or of evil. It is not something that has happened yet, rather something that is somewhere in the future.

Expectation of evil drains strength out of a person or situation. This is fear, the spiritual force that produces evil.

Expectation of good infuses, laughter, joy, peace and strength into a person or situation. This produces Faith or Belief. God has prepared good things for us to enjoy daily.

Faith is a choice to believe the GOOD. A decision to believe the truth about your life and situation and circumstances before you actually experience it.

God is Love. The force of Love is the greatest of these three spiritual forces and it literally is like having the force that created the world living in your spirit, in your heart.

God is not an emotion. He created emotions and He has emotions but his actions are not emotionally driven that’s why He never changes.

1 Corinthians 13 says Love never fails, Love hopes all things, believes all things, endures all things. Love keeps no record of being wronged, doesn’t keep score of the sins of others.

Love is perfect and complete, when we yield to that which is perfect and complete, we become strengthened in our inner man. We become secure in God’s love for us and our love for Him blossoms.

Giving up is not an option when you walk in God’s love. God’s love is what strengthens your heart and keeps your heart from failing in the day of adversity, trials and temptation. Being secure in your love for God and knowing that He loves you will keep you from giving up.

Check up on your ‘love-meter’ in your heart. Is it FULL of God’s love?

It might be time to refill the Love of God shed into your heart, by meditating on 1Corinthians chapter 13 and reading the whole book of 1John.

Fresh revelation of the love of God for you and to you, is the easiest way to never give up and to renew your strength.

In my upcoming album ‘With All My Heart’ I sing about what The Lord wants us to do with all our hearts; Love The Lord Our God and love our neighbour as we love ourselves.

Keep you heart, ‘love-meter’ full of God’s Love.

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