The depth of your love is reflected by how much you’re willing to fight for what you profess that you love. The quality of your love is shown by how much you’re willing to endure, to withstand on the behalf of who you declare you love.
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus, for the world. Our good Father in heaven made a covenant between His son (representing man) and Himself. He said if you believe in my covenant I will defend you, I will become help you, I will be there for you. Through His Son, He put up a fight, He put up a fight for the world, for the people He created. He went on the offensive and gave His best, to take back those He so loves.
The depth of your love is reflected by the sacrifice you are willing to make. God sacrificed His best and His all. God gave His all because you are valuable God gave His all because you are precious God gave His all because you are worth it to him
God gave His all because He knows what He deposited within you and He is looking for you to begin to recognize and to understand what He already put in you so that you can begin to pour it out to the world.
No matter what comes against you, you can come to a place where you always choose to pour out the love of God.
You are Valuable because God created you as a vessel to contain himself. He is love, so technically you are a love container. Lol…..
Say it with me “I am Valuable, I am God’s Love Container.”
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